Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bed Rest Checklist with a toddler

I entered this second round of bed rest with a 15 month old in tow.  It is going to be vastly different from the first time, when I filled my time with craft and organising files. I now have a baby I’ve fought hard for and I desperately don’t want to lose any time with her. She’s had been walking a few months and is starting to talk. Such a personality starting to blossom.  In anticipation of another high risk pregnancy, we decided to move closer to family who could help. So here is my top tips for surviving happily and healthily, while still getting to be a mum to a gorgeous little girl.

Bed rest checklist

Roster of helpers – If you are that lucky. I have 3 sisters, 2 parents, 2 in-laws and a partner all pulling this pregnancy through. With a roster, they all know when to be here, so there’s not 5 people turning up at once asking if there’s anything they can do. AND they can plan the rest of their day around the enormous amount of time they are giving up to be here.

Litres of water and snacks  – I was so thirsty and hungry for days, waiting for someone to finish feeding, cleaning, dressing the toddler . Once I had supplies set up by the bed, I could help myself and put less stress on the ‘staff’.

Tissues – Toddlers are messy! So am I for that matter, I just seem to need one all the time. Normally I wouldn’t be so 'disposable society', but I am making a few exceptions at the moment.

Small Bin – To put messy toddler/bedrest momma by-products in.

Cosmetics – Once it’s by the bed, it’s there for good. Helps you to maintain some level of dignity! Hair brush , dental floss, moisturiser, facial wipes, mirror, tweezers, nail clippers, nail polish remover, nail polish are top tips.

Communication – Phones to contact the outside world,  for fun or in emergency.

Activities – Your not sick! Your alive and well. Don’t waste time away with droll TV full of ads. Read books, do puzzles, craft, knit -  all those activities you just never had time for before. I’d be lost without a lap top and hard drive. I’m making a movie from the footage taken from our last holiday.

Remotes – for TV, DVD, aircon, stereo.

Power board – To power the life of a ‘bed rester’. Phone and camera chargers, fans/heaters, light. I’m lucky enough to have a hospital bed rented at home that needs powering!

Purse – Credit cards for online shopping! Spare change to give helpers to get supplies.

Stationary – Pens, diary, scrap paper/notebook

Medicine, nutrients – So you don’t forget to take it.

Bed side light – Helps to see!

Climate control – For changes in weather. I just use a doona if I’m cold, but last bed rest was in summer.... my guilt over air con was forgotten! Having EVERY body surface touching a bed, or other parts of your body gets pretty sticky and hot.

Socks/slippers  for cold feet - Not moving makes me cold.

Pressure socks to stop blood clots – I had leg pumps on 24hours a day in Bed Rest 1but at home have pressure socks to minimise the risk - it's a real risk, don't get slack!

Photos – I put of the scan print outs and photos of my last pregnancy when I  actually made it far enough to get out of bed occasionally. I want to get there this time too!

Bill paying -  Unfortunately the bills still come rolling in. If you have as much information with you, you won't fall behind.

Spare sheets - They get so dirty when you eat. live, entertain and sleep in them.
Looking after a toddler when mum is on bed rest

Medicine for the toddler – I like Bruer homeopathic brand for teething and other toddler ailments. I got the little case of potions moves close to the bed so I can still look after her health myself.

Box of bribes – I’ve got her favourite books, toys, drawing stuff, jigsaws, some socks, bibs, face clothes under the bed, so I can seduce her into spending quality time with me as she whizzes past.

Anything in a highchair -  Eating, drawing, play dough, painting, jigsaws. Someone can put the high chair beside the bed and trap them in so they can’t escape!

Drawing – I have a bag with paper, crayons, and paint close by.  I skip the paint if she’s not in the high chair though!

Reading books – We read the same books over and over and over again, laying in bed cuddling. It’s just divine!

Jigsaws – She’s not the greatest fan, but it’s a great 5 minute activity before she gets frustrated and throws it. Then I need someone else to pick it up.

Practicing cuddles – I get so many more cuddles now. It’s fabulous. Some kisses and a bit of pretending to sleep. Must be copying my horizontal position....

‘Putting back’ – At the moment, she thinks putting back is a great game! She can prove she understands me, and can copy grown ups. I know this will be a short lived phase, but it is working so well now!

A low table – To put beside your bed so they can eat, draw, play near you.

Get someone understanding to hide all the things you’d rather not be used – I found the first few days, I’d see her whizz past with all sorts in her hands and I couldn’t do anything about it. 3 toothbrushes went missing in days! I also don’t like using plastic for eating or storing, so my sister hid all the emergency back up rarely used plastic from view for me.  

My set up,including a box a toddler delights under the bed. It's so effective!

The lastest scan, the last 3 weeks of my first pregnancy, and the result of it! A healthy bubba!
PDF available:

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